So here we are in Kuala Lumpur, we expected it to be quite simular to Hong Kong with the hustle and bustle of the city but they have their strong differences. First of all its sooo much hotter and humid here! Secondly the people are much more friendly. The place is'nt as chlostrophobic (i think thats how you spell it). Yesterday we decided to head off into the KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre) to see the Petranos Towers (the tallest twin towers in the world)and then we had to figure a way to get to Singapore so we dropped in on the Malaysian Tourism Office who gave us a choice of Bus and Train. We decided to get the train as it would cost us about 4pounds and we would get a bed to stay in for the 11 hour journey. So a nights accomodation and travel to singapore is not bad for 4pounds, we head off about 9pm tonight. Today Chris and I awoke about 8am to get our free tea and toast and to head to the Petranos Towers to get early tickets to get up to the bridge in the middle of the two towers. We got tickets for 11.30 and went for a walk around the park. At 11.30 we were taken into a 3D theatre to watch information about the history about the towers. It was quite interesting. Petranos turned out to be an oil company, I did not know this before. After this had finished we were taken as a group up to the 41st floor to visit the viewing bridge where we could see some stunning views of KLCC. After our 10minute visit we headed back down and went to the KL Tower (about 10minutes away) We were meant to visit Stu and Mike but we were an hour late so we completely missed them, they had already head off to the aquarium. So Chris and I headed up to the top of the tower 250m above the ground. You could see a full 360degrees around the tower. We could see for miles around, their were skyscrapers as far as our eyes could see. It was really good fun and cost a small price of about 3pounds.
It has been really good to stop off here in Kuala Lumpur but i dont really think we needed more than 2 day i dont think there is much to do here, but i definately think it was worth the visit. So next stop singapore.\
Oh and by the way last night we went to TGI Fridays to treat ourselves and we made out it was stuarts birthday he got a song and some cake. Theres a video on you tube so check it out there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4j61yK40E
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