I know!! It's been quite a while since I last posted! We'll I've only jus found time! We're non-stop at the moment. So heres the vaugue story so far (if you want the low down of every second of our travels please see chris's blog).... Ohh all of my pictures are now up if you would like to check them out. Im very excited about getting some awesome landscape shots here in New Zealand.
So I left you last when we were about to travel to Melbourne. We took a Greyhound bus overnight lasting around 12hrs (much longer than I thought) to the well recommended city! We arrived around 8am and checked into our hostel called Nomads Industry (by far the best hostel so far). really cool funky little bar downstairs and hot working showers!! We stayed in Melbourne for a week exploring the city (reminds me of Bristol quite alot, with all the river etc.) We spent most of our evenings in Uni bars which were awesome, just our thing I guess. Tons of people our age, no tourists about and cheap beer. A bar we found on the thursday night was called the 'Traders Bar', we found this jus by walking down some back alley it was reali quite cool. On the Wednesday it was Mikes Bday!! woop. It was reali funi, we bought Mikee party hats, drink umrellas, curly straws and Party blowers and went for lunch along brunswick street. In the evening we were determined to head out for a big night but it was a wednesday and ended up in some small Irish bar in the Centre. On the Friday we were lucky enough to be taken out by one of Chris' relatives to a Wildlife park which was fun and quite different as we had our own safari. (check out the pics of the baby hippo, its pretty cool). It was reali gd to be taken out by someone who lives there as gettin around is next to impossible without a car. On the saturday Ellen a friend of mikes who we were stayin with took us out to a cool little surf beach where we spent the day on the Surfboards, it was good fun. Later on that evening we met up with some friends who we met along the way and went to an AFL game. It was very exciting to watch as it was a very close scoring game! AFl is a strange sport, It is pretty much a cross between football and rugby. It doesnt seem too logical but they are crazy for it in Melbourne. It was good to watch tho, a really awesome atmosphere.
After a pretty busy week in Melbourne, we head back to Sydney for Stuarts birthday, arrived at about 8am off the bus again and went to breakfast with stu and his parents who shared their storis about their travels around Fiji!! We then all head off to the pub (about 11am now) where chris and I left to book our campervan for NZ. An hour later chris and I returned to a very drunk stu where we joined in and then head to the cinema to give the livers a rest. After the cinema we head back to the hostel to get some sleep that didnt really happen!) Not too long after Stu parents arrived with a cake and sparklers. We lit the sparklers ready to sing Happy Birthday when we suddenly realised that there were smoke detectors in the room. We quickly attempted to put them out but it was too late. The fire alarms to the whole hostel were going off. We evacuated the builing, and stus mum ran down to reception to explain. We got outside when two fire engines arrived and cleared the building!! It was soo funi. We were very lucky we didnt get charged for the call out!! We decided to stay clear of the hostel and head back to the pub til the evening and went to Sidebar to meet some of stus rugby mates from back home. It was a very amusing evening. The remaining 3days we decided to spend at Manly beach which was an aweosme little chilled out surfing town!! We spent a day at Bondi surfing and another at Manly!! On the last day we all hired boards and immi and rachael came down to visit us!! We were out in the surf for about 4hours all of us were getting up great and the surf was pretty gd. Although we were surfing quite close to each other. I unfortunately managed to injure myself when i fell offr my board and then chris fell off his board resulting in a surf board in the face causing an inch long gash within my left eyebrow. It wasnt painful but there was blood evverywhere, we walked to the nearest doctors who stiched it up for me (5 stitches!!) and took a break for the rest of the day!!
We are now in New Zealand and loving every minute of it, my stiches come out tomorrow woo, hopefuli It wont scar too much! We now have our own Spaceship (a type of campervan which we will be staying in for the next 3weeks!!) Its really good fun, were stayin around some of the worlds best scenery, check the pics, we slept on the beachfront last night was soo nice.
I must go now, but ill keep you all posted about our adventures in New Zealand!!